Package io.github.alexandrepiveteau.echo.webrtc.client


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interface Peer : PeerToPeerConnection

A Peer represents a remote peer, and the associated PeerToPeerConnection. Peers have a lifecycle, and may be cancelled when they're not reachable anymore.

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interface PeerToPeerConnection

An interface representing a connection with a remote peer. A PeerToPeerConnection can send and receive messages, and is connected to another peer.

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interface SignalingServer

An interface representing a signaling server, which provides information about the currently connected peers, as well as ways to create a ReceiveExchange with any of the remote peers from the signaling server.


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suspend fun SignalingServer.sync(exchange: Exchange<Message.Incoming, Message.Outgoing>, onParticipantsChanged: (Set<PeerIdentifier>) -> Unit = {}): Nothing

Syncs the SendExchange to the peers available in the SignalingServer. The synchronisation process won't terminate, but may be cancelled or throw an exception if the communication channel gets closed.

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suspend fun HttpClient.wsSignalingServer(    exchange: SendExchange<Message.Incoming, Message.Outgoing>,     request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit,     block: suspend SignalingServer.() -> Unit)

Invokes the given block with a SignalingServer available at the provided request.

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suspend fun HttpClient.wssSignalingServer(    exchange: SendExchange<Message.Incoming, Message.Outgoing>,     request: HttpRequestBuilder.() -> Unit,     block: suspend SignalingServer.() -> Unit)

Invokes the given block with a SignalingServer available at the provided request.