
interface Exchange<I, O> : SendExchange<I, O> , ReceiveExchange<I, O>

An interface defining an Exchange, which is able to generate some flows that are used for bidirectional communication and transmission of data.



the type of the domain-specific incoming events for this Exchange.


the type of the domain-specific outgoing events for this Exchange.


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abstract fun receive(incoming: Flow<O>): Flow<I>

Sends some I as a response to an incoming of O.

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abstract fun send(incoming: Flow<I>): Flow<O>

Sends some O as a response to an incoming of I.


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fun <I, O> Exchange<I, O>.buffer(capacity: Int = Channel.BUFFERED): Exchange<I, O>

Transforms an Exchange by buffering its contents. This buffers the underlying flows in both directions.

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fun <I, O> Exchange<I, O>.flowOn(context: CoroutineContext): Exchange<I, O>

Transforms an Exchange by making it flow on a specific dispatcher. The same CoroutineContext will be used in both directions for the communicating Flows.