Package io.github.alexandrepiveteau.echo.projections
A ChangeScope defines operations which may be undertaken when performing the TwoWayProjection.forward moves.
An implementation of a MutableProjection which wraps a TwoWayProjection with some dedicated serializers. This lets consumers of MutableProjection offer a higher-level API which works on generic types, rather than sequences of bytes.
A OneWayProjection applies a sequence of events of type T to a model of type M. This is the simplest projection possible, since it only applies operations in single direction, in a commutative fashion.
An implementation of a MutableProjection which wraps a TwoWayProjection with some dedicated serializers. This lets consumers of MutableProjection offer a higher-level API which works on generic types, rather than sequences of bytes.
A TwoWayProjection applies a sequence of events of type T to a model of type M. This is a more advanced projection than OneWayProjection, because it allows sites to define a custom change type C which will contain meta-data to undo the application of an event. Therefore, it applies operations in multiple directions.