See also
a mutable extension of this collection.
A listener which may be used to observe some changed performed on an EventLog.
Returns an EventIdentifierArray with all the acknowledgements that have been issued by this MutableEventLog. This EventIdentifierArray only contains one EventIdentifier per SiteIdentifier.
Returns true if the event with the event with the given EventIdentifier is included in the EventLog, or if any event with the same SiteIdentifier and a higher SequenceNumber has already been integrated.
Returns true if the event with the event with the given SiteIdentifier is included in the EventLog, or if any event with the same SiteIdentifier and a higher SequenceNumber has already been integrated.
Returns an EventIterator. The retrieved EventIterator will start at the beginning of the EventLog, and should not be used anymore if the underlying EventLog is modified.
Returns an EventIterator specific to a single site. The retrieved EventIterator will start at the beginning of the EventLog, and should not be used anymore if the underlying EventLog is modified.
Returns an EventIterator. The retrieved EventIterator will start at the end of the EventLog, and should not be used anymore if the underlying EventLog is modified.
Returns an EventIterator specific to a single site. The retrieved EventIterator will start at the end of the EventLog, and should not be used anymore if the underlying EventLog is modified.
Registers the provided OnLogUpdateListener to this EventLog.
Unregisters the provided OnLogUpdateListener from this EventLog.
Returns true iff there are some events in the EventLog.
Returns a MutableEventLog copy of this EventLog.